was unable to support myself to go to college. I figured a short vocational course might help finance my art school. After getting my cosmetology license, I began to like my newfound career as a hairstylist, but the urge to become an illustrator and fine artist was still there. After ten years, I finally enrolled at Al Collins Graphic Design School. I was curious after watching their commercial, so I called to visit their school and I was impressed.
Tell me about Al Collins. What’s the curriculum like ? Are there different
“majors”? How long is a regular course there?
Helene: The Al Collins Graphic Design School is a 13
month program
for an Associate
of Arts degree.
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Welcome to What You See... This is hopefully going to be a regular column on Mac graphics, graphic programs and artists who use the Macintosh.
I work as an illustrator at Keyes Art Service, and do occasional freelance art. I’m not among the elite who get to use a Mac at work, but I’ve had one in my home since March of 1985; originally a 512k, which was eventually upgraded to two Meg, with a SCSI port and hard drive. This summer I sold the oldie to help pay for the new Mac II.
My guest this month is Helene Charles, a friend of mine from work and AMUG.
This interview should start with a bit about yourself. What would you like to tell?
Helene: I have always had an interest in art. Winning in local competitions and volunteer artwork in junior and senior